You Were Born Free
However, as we grow up, we are told to confine and restrict our behaviours, reactions, and emotions.
We are told not to dream big,
and to be realistic.
We have our hearts broken, we have conflict, and we are sometimes abused and traumatised.
We experience events that are too painful or difficult to experience fully at the moment they occur. What is not able to be expressed gets held in the unconscious and stored as energy blocks within our body tissue, and our emotional and etheric/energy body.
And, as time goes on, as we accumulate these blockages leading to at the very least a disconnection with our body and sexuality, our truth and our higher purpose, and at worse, pain, musculoskeletal disorders and dis/ease.
Western medicine and psychology would have us believe that these blocks are merely psychological and stored in the brain.
It does make logical sense until you experience
Tantric Bodywork and Yoni Massage.
The results are PROFOUND!