A Kundalini Body Awakening is an experience of total freedom and reconnection to spirit.
It is a milestone representing sufficient emotional clearing and integration of previous emotional traumas, blockages and numbness, allowing us to connect to the body's wisdom and innate sensual, energetic and orgasmic bliss.
It is often described as a mystical experience, putting us in touch with something greater than ourselves, an expression of unconditional love and compassion that connects us to nature, the seasons and the cosmos.
It may be akin to an awakening or a type of enlightenment. But, many of us have learned that enlightenment comes from hours and hours of meditation, achieving a particular state of concentration and peace within. That is one way to the 'top of the mountain'. But, in many cases, it is only half the story: a top-down approach and a heady, masculine approach at that.
The problem is that there has not been sufficient integration of shadows from the lower centres – especially the root and sexual centres. These are the places of stored emotional trauma accumulated from this life and all ancestral trauma that we have inherited from the previous seven generations (epigenetics)
The shadow behaviour from these lower centres can still surface, regardless of the person having these higher mystical experiences of oneness, divinity, third eye opening etc. Tragically, the so-called enlightened masters have still been sexual abusers to those unfortunate followers.
Therefore I am more of a fan of the term 'endarkenment' – a description of going into the deep unconscious, shamed, disowned and rejected parts of our history and our ancestor's history, from all the times of abuse, heartbreak, cutting-off, shot down. We go to those places to see, hear, feel, and integrate this history. It's hard. It's emotional and brings up a lot to be processed. But, it brings these parts into the light of consciousness to be loved again. To be as we were meant to be; whole and integrated human beings.
From this place, we can love, express ourselves, and be in a relationship with total freedom. With no shame or guilt. With awareness of our wounding and our needs and boundaries. And with an ability to communicate clearly and openly in partnership so that we can grow together.
This is practically and functionally amazing; Love gets deeper and safer.
But on a side note, the body is alive to more pleasure.
There is no numbing or avoiding; our energetic body is entirely open to feeling it all, and pleasure and high bliss states are the natural fruits of what comes next.
There are practices and processes that one can engage in on their journey towards having this type of experience. And, emotions and shadows and realisations will surface to be processed - it's challenging - but it's the work!
One can engage in these practices as part of study and self-reflection.
Or Body Work, EmotionalDetox Bodywork, De-armouring and Kundalini Energy Work are real fast-tracks for all of this to happen in a safe and supportive environment with an experienced therapist.
If this sounds of interest to you - use the contact form to send me a message.